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Adaptive learning

It is the type of teaching that is adjusted to the characteristics and needs of the users in a specific way, studying their strengths and weaknesses.


In its simplest meaning, it is the guide or conduction of a set of learning techniques or teachings, where the learners are the adults; It is the counterpart of pedagogy, which is the orientation or teaching of children.


Blended learning

It can also be seen as B-Learning. Mixed learning in which the face-to-face modality is integrated with the virtual one. For it to be considered blended learning, the student must have control over the digital resources of their course.



The term e-Learning can be understood as teaching-learning processes through the Internet. This modality allows: Completely remote training where students access the contents, activities, tasks, course tutors, etc. via Internet.


Instructional design

It is which indicates the tools that should be used in a course to deliver the information, whether videos, examples, texts, activities and other resources that the LMS supports.



The e-learning platform, virtual campus or Learning Management System (LMS) is a virtual learning space aimed at facilitating the distance training experience, both for companies and educational institutions.



Shareable Content Object Reference Model The acronym SCORM refers to e-learning standards that allow a certain resource to be viewed and function correctly in any LMS. This format provides a common language for the different virtual learning platforms, with the different advantages that this entails.